Board of Health Meetings

Boards of Health Meetings 2024

For over a century, the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH), the 159 County Boards of Health (BOH), and the 18 District Health Directors have shared responsibility for Georgia’s public health functions, policies, programs and standards. Each partner plays an important role to serve the people of Georgia and achieve our common public health goals: to prevent disease, injury and disability; to promote health and well-being; and to prepare for and respond to disasters.

Boards of Health are made up of elected or appointed individuals from every walk of life who care about the public’s well-being. They function as the eyes and ears of their community, acting at the county level to serve local needs, examine resources, and advocate for public health programs. A board has several responsibilities, including:

  • Adopting public health rules and regulations for the county
  • Enforcing all laws pertaining to health
  • Presenting and approving health budget to the county commission
  • Providing policy guidance to the District Health Director
  • Acting as a link to local government, community resources, and partners such as hospitals, health care providers, businesses and civic leaders

BOH Meeting Schedule: