Training is an integral component to preparation. To better prepare public health employees and key partners when responding to emergencies, the Office of All Hazards Preparedness provides training and information for access to other training venues applicable to the public health/emergency response needs.
All emergency responders are mandated by the Department of Homeland Security to comply with National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) requirements. This insures that all responders use the same organizational structure, terminology, procedures and systems. To accomplish this, all Public Health Employees are required to complete the following:
IS 700. – NIMS – An Introduction
IS 100. – Introduction to Incident Command
IS 200. – Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
IS 800. – The National Response Framework, An Introduction
Be sure to take the courses in the sequence listed above!
FEMA Student Identification (SID) is required to register for any training provided by FEMA. Learn more: https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid
For more information about these courses go to: https://training.fema.gov
If you have any questions about training opportunities please contact the Preparedness Training Coordinator:
Sonja “Marie” Moody at (229) 518-6616 or Sonja.Moody@dph.ga.gov