Friends of Southwest Georgia Public Health, Inc.

Friends of Southwest Georgia Public Health, Inc.

Your dollars can make a difference. Welcome to Friends of Southwest Georgia Public Health, Inc., the nonprofit sister organization of Southwest Health District.

Friends of Southwest Georgia Public Health was established for one reason – to provide an additional revenue stream to the District to help it fulfill its mission during the economically challenging times which threaten public health’s infrastructure and the vital work it performs. Your support of this worthwhile organization can truly make a difference in improving the physical and economic wellbeing of our region.

Friends of Southwest Georgia Public Health, Inc. has received 501(c)(3) status, meaning the Internal Revenue Service classifies it as a charitable organization. Donations to Friends are tax-deductible. They will be used to help sustain programs and services that directly impact the health status of communities in our 14-county District. Because health status is closely tied to socio-economic success, your support will also enhance job growth and economic opportunities – making Southwest Georgia a better place to work, live and raise a family.

As an all-volunteer organization, Friends of Southwest Georgia Public Health has no paid employees – and therefore no administrative costs. Activities, from fundraising to grant-writing, are done by board members or volunteers. Donations are used solely to enhance Public Health’s programs and services in the 14 counties served by Southwest Public Health District. Your dollars go directly to those in need.

How to donate

Friends of Southwest Georgia Public Health, Inc. accepts cash, checks, credit cards or PayPal on-line donations. You may make a contribution in memory of or in honor of another, and, if you will provide us with names and addresses of those you wish to be notified of your generosity, we will gladly send them a note of acknowledgement. Simply fill out the form provided and send or submit it to us. Receipts may be mailed or, in the case of PayPal, generated online for you to print.

Please send all physical donations to:

C/O Treisha Johnson
Southwest Health District
1109 North Jackson Street
Albany, GA 31701

Please send all digital donations to:

PayPal Donations

For those who use PayPal, a minuscule amount (less than a few cents) of the transaction will be deducted for handling.
To use PayPal, click on the PayPal icon and follow the prompts.