
Immunizations represent the purest form of disease prevention.

Immunizations provided by local health departments and other agencies have decreased diseases dramatically. Examples of vaccine preventable diseases include smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, meningitis, hepatitis A and B, diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough), to name a few.

Helpful Links

Pre-Teens & Teens

Every year, about 4,000 women die from cervical cancer in the United States- even with screening and treatment. In addition, 17,000 women are affected by HPV-related cancers yearly. HPV is short for Human Papillomavirus, a common virus. In both women and men, HPV can cause anal cancer and cancer of the mouth/throat. It can also cause cancers of the cervix, vulva and vagina in women and cancer of the penis in men.

If there were a vaccine to prevent cancer that kills 4,000 women each year, would you get it for your children?

The remarkable thing is that most of these cancers can be prevented by the HPV vaccine. Dr. Anne Schuchat, assistant surgeon general and director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said, We have a vaccine against cancer that is safe and effective. Please make sure your 11-12 year olds get vaccinated. No ones daughter should have to suffer from cervical cancer in the future.

If you haven’t gotten your child the HPV vaccine yet, or haven’t completed the three dose series, call your child’s doctor or your local health department today. If you have an older teen who isn’t yet vaccinated, its not too late.

Visit the CDC website to find out more about HPV vaccine:

DPH Rules and Regulations on Immunizations for Entry to GA Childcare Facilities and Schools


For a child to attend childcare facility or school in GA a parent can choose one of the following 3 options:

  1. DPH Form 3231 showing a child is vaccinated as required by the state of GA for childcare or school attendance.
  2. Religious Exemption DPH Form 2208 (new form to be used beginning 2015 school year for any new objection/entry to GA school). This form must be submitted as written no alteration allowed. The form will not be valid if altered in any way. This form has no expiration date.
  3. Medical Exemption documented on Form 3231 completed by a physician. The certificate expires annually and needs to be replaced each year upon expiration.More information and Religious Exemption Form 2208 can be found at:
    Schools and Childcare


Other Immunization Resources:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Traveler’s Health

Georgia Academy of Family Physicians

Georgia Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics

Immunization Action Coalition

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Immunization Program

Nikki Wilson

Immunization Coordinator
229-589-8464, ext 7419