Opioid and Substance Misuse Prevention

The misuse of opioids, including prescription pain medication, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as Fentanyl, is a national public health crisis. According to the CDC, drug overdose-related deaths have quintupled since 1999.


Signs and Symptoms

Recognize the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose:

• Pinpoint pupils

• Unconsciousness

• Respiratory depression

• Awake, but unable to talk

• Limp posture

• Pale or clammy face

• Blue lips and fingernails

• Purple or gray skin. For lighter-skinned people, the skin turns bluish purple. For darker-skinned people, the skin turns grayish or ashen

• Slow, shallow, or irregular breathing or no breathing at all

• Pulse is slow, erratic, or not there at all

• Choking sounds or a snore-like gurgling noise

Free Narcan and Training

Approved Training for Opioids
Narcan Training Video

If you’re interested in scheduling an in-person Narcan Training, please contact (229) 854-1396

Prescription Drug Disposal

Deterra Drug Bags are available at your local health department. 

DEA Controlled Substance Public Disposal Locations 

Resources For Recovery

Local Resources

DBHDD interactive map that provides information on the services. These programs are a combination of services by payment options that specifically treat Opioid Use Disorder using Medication Assisted Treatment. Please visit www.gaproviderlocator.org or https://dbhdd.georgia.gov/how-do-i-find-dbhdd-services.